mercredi 23 septembre 2009

Health day by day

Let's change of support and talk about something else than the swine flu. The federal health officials apparently prohibited the sale of cigarettes with flavors in, because of the attraction that these perfumes do on teenagers and young adults. A commissioner of food and drugs, Dr Margaret A. Hamburg, said that " These flavored cigarettes are a gateway for many children and young adults to become regular smokers". Studies also show that every day, about 1,100 children and teenager become daily smokers. These are part of the 3,600 that start to smoke each day. We also learn that one of the more famous flavored cigarettes introduction make was Camel Exotic Bends by J.R Reynolds with different flavors such as Warm Winter Toffee or Twista Lime.

1 commentaire:

  1. Pierre: This is a good start for your assignment to follow health topic. I'd like to see you link to the actual article you read and maybe more a summary of the important ideas you got out of the article.

    Keep reading and using your readings to provide you ideas for your writing.
