This entry is not really related to my topic but it will permit me to go further into my opinion that different newspapers from different doesn't think the same way or that, thought they report the same information, the articles incite readers to react differently. For instance, I want to come back at the Nobel Peace Prize recently awarded to the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. Everybody in the world has been kind of shocked by this choice of the comitee to choose this young president. But I can affirm that people doesn't think the same way. The
New York Times' article let us believe that the americans are really happy, surely they are, and that they think, rightfully, that he deserved that prize. But however, the French newspaper le
Parisien published
some comments, which are surely representative of their majority, saying that Barack Obama has been awarded for his promesses and not for his actions. It is their right to express themselves and to remind truely that Obama is doing war on two fronts ( Iraq and Afghanistan ) and is willing to send thousands more troops. I'm only in the capacity to show the french opinion being french myself but I am pretty sure that the spanish's point of view is different too. It would be interesting to see the point of view of the iraqis or afghans. I wouldn't be surprised that being in war they would express their disapprouval but I also think that some people would see a step ahead and a futur of peace with the United States of America, and the world (as promised by Barack Obama).
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