Today, I'd like to talk about the cell phone's controversial. In effect, studies are made at this time and this subject is a great question concerning the relationships in the society and also the raise of children, becoming teenagers. Cnn declared in one of its article that more evidences of the relation between a long-term cell phone use and cancers, even if at this point, there isn't any proof of cause and effect nor definitive explanation.
The cell phone reject a lot of harmful electromagnetic radiation causing tumors and its strongly recommended to keep a cell phone as far as possible from the body.
But as we say that we also realize that the cell phone is necessary and undispensable in the communication part of life. Most of the work is now done or at least planned or started by cell phone (you can do a lot of things with all those iPhone's applications). And even more, childrem becoming teenagers feel the desire of getting one. The world is getting tougher, and the schools, work places or leisures are getting farther. You can easily understand a parent giving a cell phone to his 13 years old child when he has to travel daily in train, subway and others vehicles getting him away from home. Some others are more like you have to use it only in emergency. If you dont need it, turn it off so the radiation wont be emitted. But if someone is trying to reach you, how can you do it with a turned off cell phone?
But life isn't impossible without cell phone although inconceivable. It is a hard life though. You can easily get out of your home and live your day without a cell phone, but you will have now, in this world of progress, the feeling of being naked, unable to do anything, and if your work requires a constant contact with other people, now you have a problem. You would probably feel less safe too.
The technology is going forward and the progress wont stop. The need is increasing and the offer is way more temptative. With new applications and options, you can discover new ways of using your cell phone, pushing the world into different societies of consommations
Coming to an end
Il y a 15 ans
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