A 58 years old man, David Wiebe live at Woodstock, NY and has a 48-years history of violent asthma, causing him a lot of problems and was treated for 20 years with steroids.
After consulting a doctor for vision problem, he tried to get rid of those so he wouldn't cause more damages to his body. But his trial was badly supported with several terrifying attacks and more and more travels to the emergency. He couldn't stand it and after a couple of years of a constantly reducing quality of life, he was going to go back on steroids so he could breath better.
But last year, he heard about a 50 years old breathing method, the Buteyko method. The Russian doctor Konstantin Buteyko named and developped it in 1952.
After watching a video on Youtube where its procedure and effects were demonstrated, he mimicked it and actually felt lighter and was breathing easier."I could actually feel my airways relax and open," he said. The participants of the video, themselves suffering from a very strong asthma explained that even being difficult to practice, the method reduced their needs of steroids and medication by about 75%.
When David Weibe explain his situation before the use of this technique, it's hard to believe the shape he is now in. He was using his rescue inhaler more than 2o times a day and was " [he] was a mess" he said. He then came to the Buteyko Center USA and then practiced breathing exercises without, or almost, using his inhaler.
After three months, he was taking no more drugs and was using his inhaler once a day.
But the reason of this technique is that Buteyko noticed that during an asthma attack, people panic and breath faster. Hyperventilation is caused by a too fast and too deep breath, and it lowers the level of Carbon Dioxyde in the blood instead of oxygen.
There are two Buteyko practitioners in Woodstock; Sasha and Thomas Yakovlev- Fredricksen which were trained in Moscow by a Buteyko disciple, Andrey Novozhilov.
The main purpose of their two courses of five sessions each is to gradually enable the client to lengthen the time between two actions of breathing.
This study is a new hope for people suffering from violent asthma.
Coming to an end
Il y a 15 ans
Thanks so much for posting this!
RépondreSupprimerIf anyone would like to learn more about Buteyko, take a look at our website. We are the center cited in the NYT article and the official North American Clinica Buteyko headquarters.
Happy Breathing!
All the best,
Buteyko Center USA